Don?t Know Nuffink

By Mrski1


Isnt it typical when you have given up all hope of finding something you then go out and buy a new item to replace it? Thats what these glasses are, having worn them once the old pair, which are very similar, turned up! So now I have a slightly scratched pair for the mountain bike, and a shiny new pair for the road bike and in the car!

Again the blipping has been put to one side, feeling un inspired with the camera, however I must try harder and keep going with it.

Once last weeks birthday celebrations had finished, I headed up to Applecross for the Bealach Na Ba challenge, this year hoping to improve on my time by over an hour, although, it didn't go to plan with me ending up in the back of the mountain rescue van!

The following week I had my last evening 10 mile time trial, and now i'm left with a feeling of not knowing what to do with myself every Tuesday, inevitably I will end up spending lots of time on a turbo trainer, this time not over training before the season has even begun next year.

Speaking of not knowing what to do, i'm at a crossroads as to what to do for my career having been turned down by one possible option, going back to college to do my mech eng HND may be on the cards although due to several ridiculous college decisions my 2 year old HNC is now worthless as they changed the format of the course, meaning if I go for the HND I will be accepted onto the course and can gather all the modules required, but for whatever reason not be officially accredited with an HND, I could always study photography........

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