
By treegonk


Another magical evening for fairy watching. I like them. They make me smile.

Great walk with Mum, Lal, Jon and Emmy.

I had Emmy on my back on the way home and we went running. Em was giggling so much that she got the hiccups. Luckily I stopped in time to prevent her lunch being regurgitated down my back, though I probably deserved it. Her giggling is brilliant and so genuine that it is impossible not to laugh with her.

A history of fairy blips:
- My first fairies.
- Golden fairies.
- Flared fairies. (including guide to fairy photography)
- Water fairies.
- Fallen fairies.
- Fairy broom.

Some more fairies from today:
- Lal caught one!
- Solitary fairy.
- Focused fairies.

I'll stop now. Maybe it's getting a bit boring. Fairies are one of my favourite things. And anyway, you have to be nice to them or your teeth fall out.

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