Through my Eyes

By Kelso

Full-tilt Boogie

Kelso is the happiest dog I know - his disposition is pure sunshine. Do you use that phrase "full-tilt boogie?" We use it to mean going after something in an intense, focused manner, and that's how Kelso acts sometimes, especially if he spies a squirrel!

I got home from work a little early today. I let all the dogs out in the back yard and Kelso started chasing Bogan in circles - I think he lets Bogan win every time. Watching Wolfhounds run is an incredible sight - they seem happiest when moving at full tilt. Kelso's theme song has to be this one. Hope you enjoy it!

His happy face and flying ears really show up here.

Thanks so much, friends, for sending yesterday's Sweet Sunset to the Spotlight. Quite thrilling, and I appreciate your comments & favs that sent it there.

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