
By Angelique


Love one man till I die, Can't help lovin' that man of mine!
I just love this song and have sung it many times. It is also one of the oldest songs I sing dating back to 1927, written by I think Cole Porter. It was our youngest son David, who suggested we should be called Then and Now, for obvious reasons.

But I digress, due to popular demand the above photo is my new creation especially for Adrian as one of his Christmas presents. He's probably sick of pictures of fish by now as his room is covered with various pictures, mobiles etc. and all because it was the first thing he recognised one day in a magazine. And of course his obsession with water. I will make sure they put it up high on one of his windows after Christmas.

I thoroughly enjoyed the task today of using flux first on all the copper foiling, then soldering all the joints, finally using a patina which totally changed the appearance. I was at my class for 4 hours and stood up the whole time on a cold concrete floor. (The class is held in his garage, and it was cold). By the time I got home I wasn't sure which part of my anatomy ached the most and I was very tired. But soon strapped on the Miele Vacuum and cleaned the 26 treads on our stairs, (3 floors).

We were supposed to attend the local quiz night tonight, but just couldn't face the rush of getting our meal ready on time etc.!! Must be getting old:(. Dont answer that.

Hooray, Saturday tomorrow. Bit of a lie in before we're heading off to Bath with a set of drawers for my youngest son David and our daughter in law, Kezia. Planning to have a bite of lunch with them too and catch up on all their news.

Hope today has been good for all my fellow blippers and that the weekend is full of good surprises with lots of happiness. Enjoy your families, cherish them - they are a gift!! On that note - good night my friends:) x

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