getting ready

waking up after a chilly night, bumping in the head - diving into the vastness of a day off, boiling water for the coffee, wondering why the box is almost empty already, suspicions but no harm done, nothing can really be taken away, everything's still there. Stirring up oats, raisins and milk, a note on the wall about keeping the kitchen tidy and clean, - remembering the drowned ants in the honey glass, silhouettes of divers in the ocean, - was it my doing who killed them or their greed for honey? The unblaiming needed..., to see the innocence in the betrayal, the truthfulness in the lies. the love in the hate and the hate in the love. Everyone just living their way, making the experiences needed, and still, all mingling together in freedom, showing each other forgotten parts of the whole.

Time to leave the sailing clouds, to get ready for a new day

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