
By airedaleknitter

Hopi ear candling

Mr H is still rather nasal having had a nasty cold. He is also suffering from blocked ears. One of my Jack of all trades, master of none is reflexology and Hopi ear candling. As a foot phobic there was no way I'd be giving him reflexology, but he asked me if I'd candle his ears for him. Hopefully tomorrow they will feel much clearer.

Miss H is struggling today but as ever is trying to get on with things. Even simple things like drinking out of a glass are proving difficult, but thankfully I had some straws in the cupboard which is helping. Nurse Reggie is being very good again, Angusl just wants to sit on her shoulder so he has been back in his own house this pm. Mr h is just going for him and I am about to start cooking our evening meal.

Thanks for all your good wishes for miss h. She appreciates them all.

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