probably definately

By chole33

Precipice Trail

A nice, cozy morning of sipping tea during a light rain in the house we are renting for the week with friends. Only two couples in residence today. After the rain let up, D and I went for a 'hike'. More like somewhere in between hiking, rock climbing and a klettersteig. 1000 ft of elevation in 0.8 miles, pretty much straight up the cliff face. The views are breathtaking - autumn colors in extraordinary brightness, bright blue ocean, intermittent fog and sunshine. There were a few moves that were a little sketchy - off camber, large cliffs below, wet rock. Iron rungs were strategically places in some areas, but not in all. A fantastically fun hike.

Then for dinner (and I was starving!) a huge pile of build-your-own mac-and-cheese (jalapeños and bacon...lots and lots of bacon). Unfortunately, today marked the day I decided I was going to start being good in the final preparation for the half-marathon so I did not partake in their nice local beer selection.

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