Random Musings

By RandomMusing

No mummy it's too early

So for the past fee days Wee B has been getting up early - any time between 6 and 6.30. I think it may be due to the fact that his room has been very cool - but it could just be due to the fact he has used up all his sleep.

When Wee B wakes up early he gets to come through to Mummy and Daddy's bed to warm up, have a little
milk and possibly some sleep (mummy really likes it when he sleeps)

Daddy is still away so this morning the routine continued and an extra hour of sleep was had by both Mummy and Wee B. As if often his want he managed to steal all the pillows before he had some more sleep and Mummy was left with none.

We took the morning photo for Daddy in bed and Wee B's face said it all - No Mummy, it's too early

Tonight I am not sure what we are going to et, probably a restless night as B did not manage to nap today and one more tooth is on its way through

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