
By OzGeoff

Climate Action Rally

I was committed to attend our bush care working bee this morning but after around 20 minutes a down pour meant an early mark allowing us to attend the Climate Action Rally.

Today was a day when rallies were held around the country to protest the lack of commitment by our Federal Government to seriously act on the matter of climate change. Whilst Australia is the highest per capita emitter of greenhouse gases we now have a conservative government that is aiming to adopt a "fund the polluters" initiative to reduce carbon emissions, an approach that has been widely condemned as ineffective. At the same time we have an even more conservative government in the state of Queensland which is shortly expected to approve a monster coal project in the Galilee Basin. This project will bring prosperity to that State and even more prosperity to two of the wealthiest people in Australia who are being given discounts on mining royalties to get the project up and running. The rest of planet earth will be left with dealing with the cost to clean-up. India is also a major investor. I would have thought they would have better more pressing things to fund.

To all of you who aren't Australian I apologise for our selfishness!

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