On the move!

I don't usually post images on here that lack focus but the light was terrible and this was one of the few occasions that I had my hands free enough to use the camera. At least you can see he's enjoying himself. We'd gone over to Horsforth to look after Bobby while his mum took his brother to a mini golf tournament. Bobby opted for the playground instead. We thought he was falling asleep in the pushchair on the journey there but he managed to stay awake for the playground, falling asleep as soon as he got in the pushchair for the journey back.

No computer yesterday evening, a takeaway from the Chinese and a DVD - Carravagio. I'm still not sure what it was all about (but that's Derek Jarman for you).

No photos taken the day before. I've been selecting and editing from my Australia collection as I'd said (foolishly, I now think) that I'd do a session for the camera club. It's been interesting to look through them as they go back to 2001 and illustrate some aspects of the development of digital photography too.

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