
By Combi31

Red-Legged Partridge

See it in more detail here

Horrible grey, drizzly day here - apparently the only places that don't have bright sunshine are the places that are usually full of bright sunshine, notably the Midi-Pyrénées and the Languedoc Roussillon - there at least 4 blippers on here in the same boat.

I was thinking how I was going to get my blip today, especially as I thought that there would be little wildlife about and even less light to get a shot.

So I left to go and get the bread at the local boulangerie, going the long way, passing by a new lake that has been cleared up (it was a gravel pit) and landscaped when I saw a group of 3 red-legged partridges on the road - they hopped into a field then stood still, quite close to my car.
They were very scared on the road, but as soon as they were in the field they relied on their excellent camouflage and were not at all worried by me and my clicking (that was the camera really).

Another three rugby matches to watch today and I'll be catching up with your journals and comments.

Hope your Sunday is a good one and you have less rain than we have ...

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