
By MerlotsDad

Wendover Road, Aylesbury

Its a horrible morning again with fine rain falling and mist everywhere.

I took this shot on the way back from Budgen's where I had to buy some more "soft" cat food for our boy. The shot is taken from the corner of Milton Road looking toward the town centre. It shows some of the lovely Victorian houses which are located here. If you look to the far right you can see some newish flats. A lovely old pub used to stand here called the Three Pigeons. Unfortunately it was in the way and so was knocked down to make way for modernity. You can see a picture of the pub in 1914 by clicking here

I like this picture because normally the County Offices Tower Block would dominate the skyline but today because of the mist it is barely a grey shadow in the distance.

We had a good time last night as we went for a curry with P N & D. I got a little bit tipsy & started singing...nothing new there ..... It was sad also because P will have to move out in 2 weeks time so it will be the last time we go.

Its lunchtime now and I have a few jobs to do like setting up my new router which I got about 3 weeks rush though, perhaps I will do it next week....after all, it is the weekend isn't it !

better do something so I will make a chilli for tonight's dinner

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