By wellsforzoe

Blast from the past

About a week ago I got a long email from what I can honestly call my favourite past pupil. Now not alot of people know this, especially my Malawian friends, know that I was once a teacher. Long in the past now, I did it and I loved it and have some great friends as a result.
Mick now Dr Mick, was an excellent student who went on to study medicine, was then a GP in Edinburgh and is now the Student doctor in University College Cork.
Oh the email, he firstly told me of the death of his mother on her 90th birthday, a real lady, who we all came to know and love.
Then he was looking for a favour, what favour?. He was asking if we could bring his daughter, doing teacher training, to Malawi during the Summer .
I read no more and said yes, yes, yes please, because a daughter of Mick and Paula's is exactly what our Malawian people need. She will be amazing, I thought, even before I read the rest or saw her.
But it doesn't end there, she is another genius, getting more points in her final exam than anyone I have ever met. Six A1's, No-one could get any more.
Malawi is getting a star, although our Malawians wont care how much she knows, but she will soon let them know how much she cares, and they will love her.
She is a beautiful young lady and my first impressions are never wrong. Emer looks like her father but I think her good lucks come from her mother!! (figure that out).
Ciaran is only twelve but already has the Byrne's height.
As I said we go back a long time and in so many various ways.
We were so delighted to see them and looking forward to the new link in a very long chain.
My mother, Nano to all , was delighted to be part of the action as well.

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