Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Gorgeous Beach Day

(You might want to view today's large!)

Not something I would have expected to be able to say in the middle of November in New England ... but the beach was absolutely beautiful. While it wasn't swimming weather (besides the brave souls who are eternally surfing at York beach ...) it was still in the 50s, which is downright balmy for this time of the year. We drove up with my sister Jess. Mr. Badger and my sissy up front and me in the back with the dogs. They thought this was a great treat and piled onto my lap the whole time ... both ways. While adorable, my legs fell asleep and they don't exactly stay still the whole time!
Shortly after we arrived, my brother Dan, his wife Lika and my nephew Mason joined us. We had a nice walk up and down the beach, Mason and the dogs taking everything in, and the adults all taking in what the baby and dogs thought was amazing. We grabbed some food from the general store and went on a final walk before we were going to head out. As we were arriving at the bath house, behind it, I swore I could see a (small) horse and I said as much to my sister. Granted, behind the bath house is the unofficial gathering places for people and their dogs, so I was afraid I was mislabeling a poor Great Dane ... but it just moved like a horse and not a dog. Sure enough, we got close enough and there were two miniature horses having an adventure on the beach ;) (here's some proof if you were curious!) We headed over to Nubble Light for a last peak of the year and headed home. We were all exhausted!

(One more - Mason being disgusted/utterly confused by Corra rolling around on a dead clam .... After she got up, he walked over to the clam, bent over to look closely at the clam, and exclaimed 'Ew!' ... well put Mason!)

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