The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

Leaving On a Jet Plane.....

Not exactly a one off title but it is very apt.
We are waiting in Ft Lauderdale airport to travel to Charlotte then home to Heathrow. An announcement came over the tannoy that the flight was full and there wasn't going to be enough room for hand luggage, they needed to take some and put it into the hold, we offered one of ours up, but two American's thought it would still be OK to take four large bags on board, after a further two calls for volunteers there still wasn't enough room in the overhead lockers so they forced folks to give up and then these very selfish people were told to give up two cases for the hold, they did reluctantly.
We needn't have worried all the cases were there when we got to Heathrow.

I watched two films and had two small meals on the way home.

We made an uneventful coach trip to Digbeth in Birmingham and BMJnr picked us up.

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