
By Poppy

Waiting patiently

Poor Ollie, standing waiting patiently while I take endless blurry shots of gannets and unspectacular waves! In the end I decided that although this isn't the best photo I took today, I just love his expression, keen to be getting on with the walk rather than the standing about! Just a shame he had the setting sun behind him!

A good blowy day, nice and fine, perfect drying weather, so Mike decided to wash the boat sails. Too good an opportunity to miss! He used an old propcorn barrel filled with hot soapy water which he then used to scrub the garden path. That's proper recycling!

Scratch and her owner round for supper and scrabble in the evening, but we ended up playing Boggle instead - and Mike won! Tsk! Made Queen of Puddings and it was excellent - and there is enough left for tomorrow!

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