The Moment of Truth

By Maenight

Surgery Consultation

Today was my surgery consultation to talk about removing the tennis ball sized tumor from my liver. I met with one of the best liver surgeons in Texas. He is the head of the liver transplant program at the UTSA so I can only be confident that he knows what he is doing.
Surgery is scheduled for November 26th. He explained to me why surgery is recommended and what would happen during the surgery. Because of the size of the tumor, he said that he will most likely will have to remove the entire left lobe of my liver. He is still not sure what the tumor is made of but he does seem confident that it is benign. We won't know for sure until he opens me up and looks at the darn thing.
He explained recovery and how tough it will be. I am very nervous about everything but mostly making sure I have childcare for my girls. I hope to have some friends and family volunteer to help tend to the kids as I will be unable to for 6-8 weeks.

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