Photo Journal

By mlp


Went skydiving today.
What an absolute rush.
That's me and my instructor having just left the plane...heading for the ground.
It was such an amazing experience.
I highly recommend it to anyone who thinks they would enjoy it :)

The feeling you get when you get that first glimpse of ground when you've been tipped off the side of the plane is like nothing else.
And what an amazing view.
Where we jumped (Sebastian FL) you could see the ocean, the inlet, a river....just beautiful.
I'm still getting a rush just thinking about it again.

Jill's birthday was the occasion...Matt, Jill and I jumped. Aly and Alexis stayed on the ground.

Can't wait to get the chance to go again.

Also I back blipped our camping trip to the keys.
It starts here. Check it out if you have time.
Mom's keys shots are here.

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