The Moth That Dropped In For Tea

While I was preparing the dinner tonight a moth flew right into where I was chopping up green beans.

Anything flying these days makes me jump for the macro and by the time I had set it up Mr Moth had mounted one of the small bean off cuts and seemed to be going into a frenzy over it! I was going into a bit of a frenzy myself because it looked so unusual!!

I had the lens right up close and just about to take the shot when the phone rang!! There was nothing I could do because the phone call always takes precedence over the camera grrrrr!!!!

By the time I answered the call and told them I couldn't talk right now and would have to call them back the moth had given up on the bean and was gently tasting a sliver of grated carrot!

So, without further ado I snapped off a shot or two and ended up with this one being the only one truly in focus.

With this macro lens you must be very close and Mr Moth wasn't too keen on this thing coming at him and would move away but always keeping one leg on the carrot :) The whole thing was really hilarious and I must say I've never seen anything quite like it before!

Who knew moths loved beans and carrots ... Not Me!!!!

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