
Today was Bob's birthday party with his friends and some family. Given the rousing success of last year's party, we once again invited the nicest kids we know to a mellow brunch on the beach. When I took this picture, I knew immediately that this was the one. "Cool sky!" I remarked to my good friend who, I think was wondering why I am so fascinated with my camera.

We tried to play Pin the Tail on the Donkey, as we had last year. But it was an utter failure. Bob was the first to go and blatantly cheated twice by peeking under the blindfold ("But I could only see a little bit!"). I told Bob that I could not allow him to win if he cheated, which made him cry. Then several of the children were smart enough to feel for Bob's correctly placed tail and put their tails right on top of that. Obviously, we hang out with a smart crowd. Next year I will have to find a game they cannot outsmart. In the end, we had a play off (I removed each tail after it was placed). Bob was not happy that he did not win the prize (once again, "but I only peeked a little bit!"), but he did not fuss when someone else took the prize home. Good Boy.

James had to get to his art show this afternoon, so Bob and I headed back home on our own. Our friends proved their wonderfulness by packing the car for me. Bob feel asleep on the way home and I was counting the minutes to my nap. Then he woke up in the driveway - oh no! We had fun anyway, but I had better get myself to bed asap.

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