
By Blippingvicar

Phew ....365!

Well, here we are. It isn't quite the spectacle I might have imagined for my 365th, but I thought I'd feature the various cameras & devices I have used to capture images over the past 375 days (yes, I've missed 10 days) to reach this milestone. Two devices are missing; the smartphone that started me going, and which I returned after 14 days of not being able to activate it, and the camera I took this with, which is a little Konica compact which cost nearly as much as my refurbished Nikon D90 when I bought it for Mrs Blippingvicar 10 years ago! (It took me another 5 years to go digital myself.)

It is customary on these occasions to thank Blip friends for their support and encouragement, and to be honest I would probably have stopped ages ago without you! Blip has certainly challenged me and undoubtedly I've worked a bit harder at getting something worthwhile to show. Sometimes it has provided the impetus I've needed to do something other than be the Vicar. I'm still capable of failing to check my settings, and I know where to find the pictures that are poorly composed, incorrectly exposed or where I've forgotten to check white balance, switch back to autofocus etc. I am, though, just a little less likely to do those things.

What essential things would help with the next 365 (which may just take a bit longer than a year)? Without doubt a whole bagful of new gear would go down well, but my top two would be more time to get out and about, and paying attention all the time. Funny, my teachers used to say that at school. How did they know, all those years ago!

Well, thanks for sharing the journey. Hope to see you back here tomorrow.

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