
By SorenT

Gotta start somewhere - The Genesis Blip

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
(Lao-tzu, The Way of Lao-tzu)

Okay, maybe that quote is a little grandiose, but there's truth in it. Dreams, ambitions and ideas require time and effort to be realised. Deep down, we all know that procrastination won't help, yet the temptation to yield and "do it later" remains powerful. Resisting procrastination is a work in progress for me and this blip is one piece of a larger puzzle...

So here we are! I want to improve both quality and quantity of the photos I take, so I'll try and blip as often as possible to see if I can make some progress...

Photo number one is the rather stunning (hah) Radford Road, near where I'm living for my final year at Warwick. Was messing outside for a while trying to find a nice picture to kick off the blip, but this'll have to do...

Better and more interesting things to come, fingers crossed!

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