
By Rebekah

"No mistakes!"

Finally reunited with my Uni girlies for the weekend!!! I picked Becki and Zahra up in the morning and we road-tripped up North (Birmingham outskirts counts as The North, right??) to stay at Harriet's for the weekend. Helen was already there when we arrived. We had the most amazing day of food-eating, Disney-watching, strictly-come-dancing-drinking-game playing and then out in town in the evening where we got ridiculously excited about Peter Andre being played in the club...

I've missed these girls so much, 4 months apart has been too long.

And as Tanya exclaimed when she was reviewing the photos the next day: "wow, there are no mistakes!". "Mistakes" to mean the usual lazy eyes/ blinking/ strange faces being pulled that usually grace our group photos together... Maybe apart from how grainy the photo is... oops.

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