Images from flowerspasms

By flowerspasms

This not an X-ray

For once I'm up early! I might even get to work by 8:30 if I could just entice our dog to walk except that he's looking a little sick and acting weird and sitting funny. Oh and now he's doing the dramatic tremble. I can't leave him alone all day. He stomach seems swollen and look at his eyes - he's showing me he's in pain and wants me to look after him. Best call a vet - any vet - the closest one will do. This is an emergency after all. Don't worry Haruki, I'll carry you since you don't want to walk. There we go... even though you've only been to this one once before ages ago, you seem to know it's not your favourite place - ears back, tail low, almost crawling. You don't whimper during the examination and you behave as he explains want I know already: you're a street dawg that still can't break the habit of eating c***p even though we give you premium dog food fit for royal pedigrees. I take the meds. That'll be 80chf please thank you very much and as soon as we walk outside the vet's office you relieve yourself from whatever ailed you & proceed to bounce around as if a the drama was just a rise to make sure I was super late.

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