My Restless Lens

By terri365

Day 304 - Non-Slip Boots!

My Icespikes arrived today! And boy am I going to sound like an old fogey but last January I slipped on ice and damaged a ligament in my knee so I don't want a repeat!!!

The really bad winter we had a couple of years ago was also the first year we had Aonghus. I walk him in the woods which is up a wee bit of a hill and I don't know how many times I nearly landed on my butt!

I ended up buying a set of spikes but after a cold winter the rubber perished and snapped. Last year I bought a pair of Yaktraks but the problem with all of the strap on ice grippers is that when you walk on rough ground they move and fall off which is just rubbish! And crampons are just a bit too much for walking the dogs in the woods!

This year I found Icespikes - you screw them into the sole of your boots. So, all done and ready to try out - bring on the ice and hard packed snow!

It will probably get really mild now...

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