
By ineffable

How do you like them apples?

Augh. Just so you know there are some incredible things about Boston. Let's not mention the incredible people that I am getting to know here, but when my family got here I absolutely LOVED getting to show them all the things I love.

One of the things I love about this city is one of the things that I love the most about Berlin, MARKETS. Can you believe these apples I found at Copley Market? Gorgeous aren't they? How quaint are these? IN BOSTON.

Seriously. How Boston manages to feel so small town to me, with somehow managing to be a big city... I don't know, but it is awesome.

I pranced through the city with my family for the last four days. In the midst of a cloudy, dark, lonely and difficult time they make life so sunny and so bearable. They also take my crooked perspective and set it straight. Everyone needs some people like these.

Also, they make a lot of fun of me. There's that too.

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