Stunned by the flash...

It was late... really late to be taking photos of the birds. But I hadn't gotten an image I was pleased with yet. So, up went the ISO - as high as I dared, but it just wasn't enough. Such a bummer, as the birds were being quite cute at the moment... Oh yeah, I have a flash on here somewhere... I had never tried it with a bird, but what the heck. At first they were shocked and darted away, but they must have been hungry because they stuck around to keep eating. Since I turned the power way down, it seemed to be just enough to light things up without washing out the whites. Not my favorite way to shoot, but it'll do in a pinch.

Photographing late because I was on the go non-stop today. What a busy one! I even washed the windows (outside in 33(F) degree weather)... Had to be done if I was going to photograph through them any more. Yesterday's through the window shot could have been much clearer...

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