
By BrownBuddy1


Dingwall Ferry Point

The dog's social calendar decreed that we attended a puppy playtime at the Ferry Point in Dingwall today. But they're not puppies I hear you say and you would be right, but it also included dogs who were good with puppies. My 2 are good with any dog who will play with them, the livelier the better, so puppies they loooove.

We had a great time, I enjoyed the blether with the other owners and the fact that I didn't have to walk, we just stood still and watched the floor show! The dogs had such fun, they ran and ran and ran round and round in circles chasing each other and the one ball. ( which Selkie managed to get every time!). No-one minded the wind and the rain and the COLD, we laughed at ourselves all togged up in waterproof trousers, hats, gloves, red noses. An afternoon to be remembered.

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