From where i stand!!!

By Dancingninja

My little contribution to the bobble hat series!!

What a day..

Started at the ungodly hour of 5.30
Took Glenn to train station at 6
Training session with evil pt, I swore at him, I had my boxing gloves with me as well so he was lucky I didn't put them on, I may have threatened this he didn't seem bothered in fact he laughed!!!!
I grabbed a coffee to find evil pt was sat with my clone another story I will fill you in another time, but let's say she has same hair and is stalking me slightly I am imagining this I am sure but even today I looked up she was sparring with someone, evil pt looked at me and laughed when we saw this!!! He is a traitor to sit with her!!! I told him!!
Got home checked pig, Zak said she had a bad limp this morning, she wouldn't come out her ark bless her so the vet was called, whilst I was doing hair!
Vet came at 2.30, after my lecture in what I intend to do with said farm and what we should do and his life history in farming he have her some antibiotics. Hopefully it's just an infection he seemed to think its because she's to fat. I have to agree, but it is one of the Jedwards. I did explain she was a rescue one and we were hopefully not going to let the others get this big.
Dad picked up little Bryn and popped in for a cup of tea.
Then off to pick up Zak, by which time it was 5pm
Funnily enough I couldn't be bothered to cook so we had pizza and have watched navity 2!!!

Off to catch up with you all and then bed!!!

:) x

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