Crap(per) Blip

Last night myself and approx 40 dancing bairns went along to see the rather excellent LION KING at the Playhouse.

It was wonderful. There was barely a peep out of the children. They were entranced! How the cast manipulated the puppets, acted, sang and danced all at the same time was amazing.You MUST go see. It's spectacular!!

There was a Scottish flavour to the show, which was appreciated, and a few Glasgow jokes which went down well with some Wee Weegies !

I did take a blip on my phone camera. But I am very old and can't cope with phones that do more than text and make calls and I messed up. Hence no blip!

Tonight, however, I mastered my phone camera whilst in the toilets of 'Jamies Italian'. And rather wonderful toilets they were too.

As too was dinner. I was most impressed and shall be back to try out their cocktails next time. I was accompanied by two work colleagues (an astrophysicist and a statistician - try saying that after a couple of Bellinis!) who are quickly becoming good friends.

Home to a quiet house and a glass of wine left for me in the fridge.

Sweet dreams.

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