
By sp33dway


Today was the wedding of one of my best friends, P. I've known him since I started 'big school' when I was 11, and we've remained the closest of buddies ever since and kept in touch frequently.

Today I had the honour of being his usher, and had a fabulous time with ladySp33d on my arm. The suit I hired was ready on time yesterday after a few alterations, the shoes polished up ok and the shirt I had made for my wedding fitted me again for the first time in years, even if it was tighter than it should've been thanks to an early start on the festive mince pies and one-too-manny stag doos of late.

We had a top class day, not just because the wedding doo was ace but also because I'm so happy that he is so happy. He's not had the easiest of growingups bless him, and there were parts to the speeches that did almost leave me an emotional wreck, but he never once stopped smiling. Not today. Or ever, in fact.

Congratulations mate, if you're reading this. Your mum and dad and brother would've loved her to bits I'm sure x.

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