
Waiting for Steve's appointment with the Cardiologist this morning. He was wired up, had his blood pressure taken and asked loads of questions, most of which we had the answers to thank goodness. Anyway the doctor didn't seem overly worried, but the chances are that Steve will have to have a pacemaker fitted in the New Year.

The hospital is very new on the outside and quite old on the inside, complete with wash-hand basins in the toilets that you could bathe a baby in, and these wonderful original marble floor tiles.

We called at Lidl on the way home and what a treasure trove that supermarket is - at least it is for us who only have the choice of two boring supermarkets locally - and I got a red/white/black ski jacket so that the hunters will know what to aim at. But the highlight for me was that they had huge jars of mincemeat, something we've never encountered here before, and glace cherries too! I'm very easily pleased.

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