None for the Road

Jude needed a lift to the hospital this afternoon so that she could travel with her mum to the nursing home, I dropped her off and then went on to the Lowry. I had a little mooch around and chatted with a very pleasant policeman. They were promoting their 'None for the Road' campaign and they had a dreadfully mashed up car to drive the message home. It was donated to them by a family who's son had died in it whilst over the limit, losing control and not wearing a seatbelt. It just isn't worth the risk. Anyway I am now the owner of a None for the Road keyring and air freshener.

There was a platform full of people waiting for a tram and I thought of a good shot for when the tram arrived. I waited for a bit but no tram appeared. I didn't want a repeat of Tuesday, so I wandered off and took a few pics of the buildings.

I'm going to walk round and see Jude later and have a piece of birthday cake and a glass of something nice...if I do have one for the road at least I'm walking.

9pm: I walked round to Jude's and had a piece of birthday cake and a glass of wine. I mentioned that I would be giving blood again in a week and Jude said she wanted to start, "I can't remember what group I am," she said, "I think I'm O2."
I'm not, I'm vodafone positive.

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