Mother Shipton

By MotherShipton

St Conans Kirk

A stunning day here today with wall to wall sunshine. Took a trip out to St Conans Kirk a place I have never bothered stopping at before despite passing thousands of times and living just a mile or two up the road.

It is very pretty and well worth the stop. Originally built in 1881 and renovated in 1927
"It is magnificent, beautiful, remarkable, and just a little bizarre. Walter Campbell did not design the church to conform to any particular style. Rather he took ideas and designs from different places and periods and produced something that serves as a collection of the best or most interesting features drawn from many other churches."

It is a good place to stop and take photo's with lots of fantastic detail, I recommend it to any photographers who may be passing.

I am off down south to Coldstream tomorrow. If anyone knows of any good places to visit around there for photographs please let me know.

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