Strike that. Reverse it!


The Calm Before the Storm!

How many children can fit in this small space? Surprisingly 60 at one point! Today I did the photos for the school calendar. Those who know me will know I don't really do portraits. Not my strength at all. Then multiply it by 30 plus! Such a bad combination. Getting all the children to sit straight, look forward and smile all at the same time......... Arrhhhhh!

I did it though. I know I'm biased but my boys two classes were the best behaved. Closely followed by early foundation who are the babies of the school. It probably helped that all the kids in the boys classes knew me and knew that I could tell their mums if they misbehaved ;0)

I would have loved to share a photo but can't so instead a dull blip of the empty room pre chaos!

For the rest of the day I've been working. Starting to feel the strain from the last few days. Looking forward to a relatively low stress day tomorrow :0)

Hope you've all had a good day xxx

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