
Too dark, too far, too cute. This is neither sharp nor noiseless, but can you blame me for posting it?

So do you think he's reaching for the last berry or decorating a tiny, bare, chipmunk sized Christmas weed tree? :)

This afternoon, I was hiding near a feeder to get a shot of the woodpeckers. I got plenty of those and they weren't half bad for a dimly lit gloomy day. But, when I saw this chap at a distance, I took a risk and shot a few of him knowing full well that nothing would turn out. I could have gone with a shot of nice feather detail on a hairy woodpecker, but I just kept coming back to this little character. He won me over for today's blip.

Getting ready for our first family Christmas this weekend! We have really started spreading the holiday out. What with all the kids in the family grown and most married, it's hard to find a date that we can all get together. So Merry Chistmas everyone... I'm so not ready...

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