Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast

A Tale of Two Kitties......

.....It was the best of times, (being 6.45am and I was fast akip)
it was the worst of times, (nevertheless the cats decided it was time to get up and go out on the rampage)
it was the age of wisdom, (because I knew that if I didn't 'oblige' they would probably pee in the corner)
it was the age of foolishness, (I really should have worn a dressing gown rather than a towel to open the front door, a passing paper boy nearly fell off his bike)
it was the epoch of belief, (that I would get another good hour of peace)
it was the epoch of incredulity, (when all hopes were cruelly dashed because one of them picked a fight with a neighbouring feline early-riser)
it was the season of Light, (because I managed to doze off after the fisticuffs and caterwauling was over)
it was the season of Darkness, (when the boy-in-the-attic went to work and let one of the beasts back in)
it was the spring of hope, (that maybe it would stay downstairs and leave me alone)
it was the winter of despair (because said beast didn't.....and it was WET and had muddy paws)

Abject apologies to Mr really didn't deserve it......

Have a great weekend when it comes blipmates!!

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