Beloved Towel

I coulda shared another food-related technically-fine-but-really-who-cares? blip today of us beginning our first batch of home-brewed beer. We crushed and boiled and mixed and sanitized all night until the beer stunk so much we had to open the front doors.

But, I was also doing laundry and I sadly had to witness the death of one of my two beloved towels. Does anyone else have favorite towels? Or a favorite article of clothing? I got this towel from my oldest friend probably around 2002 or 2003. I don't know why I liked it so much, I just did. It's an uassuming little beach towel that made me happy. But tonight as I was folding it from the laundry for probably the 400th time, it finally felt apart, tearing to pieces in my hands.

Since blip is really just my own personal journal at this point, I want to use it to remember my beloved towel.

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