
By 2ndSpringChick

Make and Do

Spent some time with Leyla's class this morning, helping to make a giant Christmas tree that will be covered in the children's tissue paper designs and lit up from the inside for the local Christmas lantern parade. They all worked really hard, and the designs for the panels were lovely. They are a creative bunch.

I returned home covered in pva glue and marvelling (not for the first time) at the seemingly endless patience and good humour of Leyla's class teacher. I am not sure how many more times I could have said 'if you screw the tissue paper into a ball, the light won't go through it. Here let's take that bit off carefully and put this nice flat bit on. There doesn't that look lovely. Easy with the glue now, the tissue will rip if it's too wet. Oh dear never mind, we can start again', before crying tears of frustration and stabbing myself repeatedly with the craft scissors.

Miss Maloney, and patient, kind, and lovely teachers of small children everywhere, I salute you.

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