David Takes Pictures

By DavidTakesPics

'The Ice Was Getting Thinner Under Me And You'

Death Cab For Cutie - The Ice Is Getting Thinner.

This blip is of the ice rink that they have at Somerset House each winter. My friends and I go every year to celebrate my housemates birthday. It's become something of a tradition, which is odd considering not one among us is actually good at ice skating.

He's 32 on Sunday and it was remarked tonight, as we ate our pre skate burger, that for the last 7 years he has celebrated his birthday like a 9 year old. Having a burger and fries and then going ice skating.
What can you do though? Tradition is tradition. You can't mess with it.

I really like Somerset House. It's an amazing building and in the summer they have concerts and film nights there. Well worth a visit if you find yourself in London.

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