Perth Xmas Fair

There really was something for everyone in Perth today:-) There were huskies and reindeer, people on stilts and others dressed as strange cartoon characters, an ice rink, two ice sculptors (one with a chainsaw and the other with a chisel), a fairground organ and several kiddies' carousels, balloon sellers, a choir (who could hardly be heard over the noise from everyone else's music), a chocolate sellers' market (my favourite!), lots of girl singers scantily dressed as Santa Claus (had to drag my husband away from there!), children performing on stage (singing and dancing), a magic man (for children really, but he was very good!), and - loud above everything else - the Perth and District Pipe Band!

You would have had to be a real bah, humbug Scrooge not to find something to enjoy here!! A fun day out:-)

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