The beholder's eye

By uniqueandlovely

Reggie the hedgie

Charlii found this beautiful hedgehog in her garden this afternoon, walking about in some leaves. As it is quite late in the year for hedgehogs she decided to take him in, give him some cat food and then take him to the local vet on Monday so he can be passed on to the wildlife centre, where he can be assessed and if necessary looked after through the winter, as hedgehogs that are below a certain weight (and he was quite small) will not survive the winter.
When my girlies were small and hedgehogs were altogether more plentiful I used to tell them they were all called Reggie hence the title.
Rosie just adores wildlife, and today's blip is her patiently waiting for the hedgehog to come undone so she can see it's little furry face! We tried to explain, it would be a very long wait, but she was having none of it!!1

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