Blue on White

Large if you'd like...

We're getting a real winter storm this weekend. There's no turning back... winter has firmly arrived! 19(F) degrees for a high and winds to chill you to the bone made for a crisp and fast moving dog walk this afternoon. Then we dropped the pups off to a pet-sitter for the weekend. A first for us and not particularly necessary for this weekend, but we wanted a trial run for when we travel south to Florida in the spring. We generally leave the dogs with family when we need to, but the spring trip will be too long to impose on any of them, hence the sitter. A local couple that loves dogs has a little dog sitting business. I think they will be well cared for, even pampered... will they even want to come home? I'm missing them quite a bit...

Christmas presents are wrapped and I'm as ready as I'll ever be for the early family holiday party.

Merry Christmas Weekend to all and to all a good-night. ;)

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