Kevin's take on life

By KevinV

Cold Blue Jay

Today went in to work in the morning and spent 4 hrs there in the morning.The winds were strong from the northwest today and make snow flurries and cold the temps currently are -9c and wind chills near -20c. Good thing I bought a winter jacket last week.

When I was home I took a walk to the park with the cold and the wind I made sure today I brought more bird food and peanuts . I went to the one end of the lake and found many hungry ones. I had the chickadee come and land on my hand I had the car dial pair come for some peanuts and a Blue jay joined the action for food . In the shot the jay was waiting for me to step back far enough so he could grab a peanut. I also got some nice cardinal shots as a pair came fora visit as well.

I have posted some shots today on myFlickr account

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