Here's Me Looking at You Looking at Me

'The best-laid schemes o'mice an' men gang aft agley'.
With the wonderful weather of yesterday in our minds last night there was the half baked plan to cycle in East Lothian this morning, but with the early drizzle, we were happy to change our minds and opt for the soft life of coffee and Sunday paper reading.

Speaking of mice, we encountered this lovely fellow with his owner, collecting for charity at the door to the Land of Flowers. Eye to eye contact was gladly given in exchange for a few coppers.

Edinburgh daughter and I had a lunch rendezvous in town and managed to avoid most of the hordes at the Christmas Market, although we did swither about going on the whirlybird tower in St Andrew Square. If I had been sure of keeping my lunch in its rightful place, it might have been fun....... or not.

A walk down the Royal Mile through tourists and fire jugglers and then home for a virtuous gym visit, all before the street lights went on. The nights are fair drawing in.

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