Vic and Darren (+2)

By vicanddarren

Highs and Lows

This morning Darren cut up some planks of scrap wood, to use as fuel in the wood-burner. Joe wanted to help and started to carry the pieces in to the garage, where he stacked them higher than himself.

Sadly, later that afternoon we had to rush our beloved Mally to the specialist vets, where she had been receiving chemotherapy for lymphoma. Chemo in dogs will never cure the cancer but it can prolong life and send the cancer temporarily in to remission. We have been taking her for treatment since August but recently she hadn't been responding well so we knew our time with her was limited but this afternoon she had begun acting very strangely, disoriented and losing her balance. When we got to the vets they told us that her retinas had detached and she had very little vision left. Without more tests they couldn't say why this had happened but the cancer was the main suspect. We decided that now she was essentially blind, coupled with her lack of response to the chemo, her quality of life was not going to be good and it was now time to say goodbye. Better a week too soon, than a day too late. She will be sorely missed.

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