The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

Signs Of Autumn #10

Having found the malted loaf from Bath Bakery (via Fay's Bistro in Calne) to be excellent, I had gone back to buy another. It was a cold, crisp day and I ventured into the churchyard at St Mary's to capture some more autumn colour as I made my way up Church Street to Maxim's, the Chinese takeaway, for Friday cod and chips. I ate them at a friend's in Mill Street, whose daughter F. was visiting from Mallorca at the time, and had a cup of tea.


Blip #1100
Consecutive Blip #003
Day #1330

Churchyard Oak I
Churchyard Oak II
Church Street From Churchyard

Lens: Pentax 12-24mm

Autumn series
Calne series
Churches series

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Cults - I Can Hardly Make You Mine (2013)

One year ago: My Kitchen Wall Dresser

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