
By ClareON


Fair Isle patterns over a certain size usually follow this pattern of lozenges and diagonals; it's also seen in tiling, mosaic, and carpet patterns. It isn't of symbolic, or any, significance, just a consequence of the fact that if you want pleasing rounded shapes, you have to fill in the space created between with something that fits and contrasts. They really are called 'OXO' - I didn't just make that up - but I don't know whether you should say 'oxo' like the cube, or oh-x-oh. And as I'm too embarrassed to ask, I probably never will know.

Anyway, this is the secret santa office gift I mentioned a wee while ago, all made, blocked and tasseled. I changed my mind about the colour mix at some point after the chart was made and the knitting was well under way, as I nearly always do.

And running! 5.8k. But it was cold and dark.

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