Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible

The Swing Out Crew

First of all please accept my apologies for my absence these last few days. My internet connection went down last Tuesday. I hadn't noticed a new telegraph pole being erected just down the road.

I have been taking my Blips and will post them shortly. Meanwhile here are some of the shots of the crew who turned out to the hop last nigh in Steeple Morden. Anna and I set up a portable studio (Anna's has the equipment) and I just left my camera set up for people to take their own shots as and when they felt like it!

It was a lot of fun and the dance was fabulous. Great sounds - really lively crowd, all very friendly too. We danced 'till midnight and beyond. Just as well we could have a lie in on Sunday morning.

A great way of spending a Saturday night.

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