
By AfterDark

Peterscourt ~ Peterborough

Long Exposure:

I was scheduled to meet a work colleague at 5am in Peterborough, However I got there a tad early, hmm.. like around 4:15am !!

So to kill some time, I took a casual walk around the area looking to experiment with some long exposures.

It was an interesting time of day with less people and traffic, this made for some nice uncluttered images. I found that I had to drop out the nice gable end chimney from my picture; this was because the nice ornate lamps were causing me Lens flare when positioned, near centre of frame.

From memory because of the size and location, you either have a nice picture of the gable end but you struggle to show the detail in the remainder of the building or you leave out part of the gable end. My Nex with Canon lens has a crop factor of 1.6 (guess I need full frame next time).

# the Left Hand Lamp post is actually obscured by a CCTV Post, but you have to look hard to notice it in this light.

I also recall feeling just a little bit shy, coz I could hear those multiple CCTV cameras, panning, zooming and tracking me around the streets. In fact I was half expecting for a Police car to arrive and then to be probed with lots of questions..

(There is another story regarding night photography, police car and a church yard) opps.. Maybe .Later..

It’s my understanding that this building is called Peterscourt and is now being used as the Eco Innovation Centre, I think it dates back to the 1860’s. just very pleased that it is still standing and still currently being used.

A Google search =
[Peterscourt on City Road was designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott in 1864, housing St. Peter's Teacher Training College for men until 1938. The building is mainly listed for the eighteenth century doorway, brought from the London Guildhall following war damage[/i] ]

“I feel sure Price Charles would approve.”

~ (taken with: Canon nFD 20mm f:2.8) Crop factor 1.6

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